domingo, 13 de diciembre de 2020

Storyjumper: Colourful emotions

Colourful emotions:

As my students struggle to express themselves and their feelings, we have created a story to work on emotions in class. Additionally we are going to work different cross curricular and interdisciplinary topics like team work, equality and ICT to develop pupils' emotional intelligence.

Attention to diversity: heterogenenous groupings, individualization, monitoring and cooperative techniques. We are going to use a tool called Storyjumper that is amazing to create storybooks, my students have created an Emotions Book with my help in class because they are in year 1.

DIDACTIC TRANSPOSITION: First minutes will be devoted to the classroom routine and warm up activities: doing the register, weather, date, feelings…

Stage 1: presentation of the vocabulary about feelings and emotions with flashcards and songs.

Stage 2: 'Colourful emotions' we start with the book and we use the song 'If you are happy and you know it'.

Stage 4: Simulation 'How do you feel?' in pairs they have to represent an emotion and the other student has to guess the emotion.

Stage 5: We are going to play a game called 'Susan says' instead of 'Simon says', for example "Susan says, we are sad (we make a sad face together).

Stage 6: we finish the "Colourful emotions" and we present the book in class.


1. To recognize daily aspects of immediate context in a common conversation such as basic questions.

2. To participate in short conversations and easy dialogues with their partners.

3. To understand the meaning of texts and recognizes a limited repertoire of lexicon as well as basic spelling in texts.

4. To write brief messages on common topics using appropriate communicative functions according to the type of text (emotions)

We have used the book created to link all the emotions that we have worked in class, apart from that I would like to say that my Year 1 students really enjoyed the activity because they have been involved in the creation of the book, however as we all know in the same class we have a variety of paces that have been considered. Next time we will use Storyjumper to create a tale about family members.

METHODOLOGY:  Tasks, learner-centred, cooperative work, ICT.

Resources used in this writing activity with ICT: flashcards, songs, Storyjumper, laptops, realia and worksheet.


- Reproducing and writing short, easy sentences in printed or digital formats.

- Producing clear written messages considering the models provided.

- Using basic communicative functions: opinions, feelings.

- Identifying and using vocabulary related to feeling s and emotions.

- Reproducing and starting using basic graphic patterns and punctuation.

- Using basic syntactic structures to produce short texts: quantity...

- Caring about the layout of written texts (order, clarity, cleanliness).

To conclude, I would like to say that the role of co-evaluation and self-evaluation has been essential during the creaion of the book. I hope you like our 'Colourful Emotions' tale.

1 comentario:

  1. Very nice activity and a great blog! I really like how colourful it is, quite appealling to your students; I guess. I believe you made a big effort in designing it and your activities are very detailed and organized. I can't find drawbacks. I only had problems when clicking on the link for the storyjumper (it didn't work); but with copy and paste, I could see the activity. Thanks for sharing!
