viernes, 18 de diciembre de 2020

Christmas is coming with

Considering the blog previously evaluated, I have created a Christmas project this time:

GENILAL.LY: Christmas is coming

Shhh! by Julie Sykes and Tim Warnes and the Gingerbread Man by Lesley Sims are perfect books for reading at this time of year (christmas). It’s a classic fairy tale about a Gingerbread Man’s escape from various pursuers and his eventual demise between the jaws of a fox. Through the different activities proposed, students are expected to acquire the necessary skills to understand, speak, interact, read and write, about Christmas from an active and practical perspective of the acquired learning, emphasizing oral skills over written skills following the natural order of the language.

I propose activities and tasks that reinforce communication, such as: creation of real contexts, active listening in different contexts (audios, videos, ...), reading different types of texts writing words or short phrases from models to communicate with others in order to achieve different purposes (inform, talk about their tastes, preferences ...) In this project I am going to carry out a role-play in which the following elements will be essential:

Relationships: creating a friendly atmosphere.

-Physical environment: Some ways in which the classroom can be rearranged for drama activities are stacking tables and chairs against walls, leaving a large space in the centre; forming a horseshoe seating arrangement, leaving a large space in the centre; putting the desks and chairs at the back of the class, leaving a space for the “stage” at the front; making them sit in groups…

-Warm-ups. Our pupils may benefit from drama warm-ups such as games, songs or chants which are related to the main activity, creating expectations and arousing interest.

-Goal orientation. Our pupils will be given a time limit within which they must achieve a goal, which will also be motivating for them.

-A background role for the teacher: The teacher is not the centre of the class but must act as manager and facilitator; pupils will have to learn from each other and learn independently and autonomously.

- Vocabulary: christmas tree, gingerbreadman, snowman, presents, bell, candy cane, reindeer and decorations

- Grammatical structures: Where is/ are… It is in/ on/ under/ next to

- Key competences: Competence in Linguistic Communication, Learn to learn, and Social and Civic competence.

- Final product: theatre play “Christmas is coming” and prepare the setting and decorations for the performance.

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