sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2020

A Time Line with TimeToast and working on emotions with Todd Parr

 This time we are going to work with a new tool called Timetoast and we are going to use the different stories written by Todd Parr, have a look at this timeline.

Timeline: https://www.timetoast.com/timelines/2434702


Emotions will be worked on in the assembly, once we carry out the daily routine in English we begin with Todd Parr's story “The feelings Book”. We discuss the cover and how the children appear in it, we are also going to use the flashcards to introduce emotions more easily in English: sad, happy cranky, surprised

As we show the flashcards we are making the gestures and the children are recognizing the emotions, it is important that we repeat the words and thus in each session the students will be able to more easily recognize the emotion when I ask them the following question: “How are you today? "I am .. "How do you feel today?"


Four sessions that last one hour. We will need the following materials:

- Routine poster: with images and pictograms on the numbers 1-20, days of the week, colors, seasons of the year, emotions and months of the year.

- Flashcards and pictograms: about the vocabulary that we work on in the unit.

- Story and rhyme associated with images: to work on education in emotions “The feelings book” by Todd Parr.

A storytelling is done in each session so that through the story, the adaptation of our voice, the use of gestures and songs can understand the content of the text. We give importance to cooperative learning because it allows my students to share opinions and experiences in each session.



The objectives that we intend to achieve in this activity are:
- Create a safe emotional space.
- Create a group feeling.
- Express feelings and emotions through visual support.
- Make students aware of their moods.
- Know  how to differentiate the different emotions (anger / anger; joy; sadness; fear; surprise; love)
- Use timetoast to learn more about Todd Parr's books.

We had problems with Interet connection, aslo this activity has been carried out with Year 4 students so for that reason has been so important the use of cooperative techniques considering individual and pair work but taking into account the social distance.

This activity will be evaluated by creating an “emotions puppet” that will be done with two plastic cups  and the timeline created in class. It is a motivating way to work on emotions and the English language.

A reflection on my reading habits

Dear readers.

First of all I would like to start this post by saying that I love reading, specially book related to biographies. In my case I love reading about the Royal Family of United Kingdom and one of my favourite member of the Royal Family is Diana of Wales.

Apart from that one of the key points in this post is to comment the different pictures, so for that reason we have to say that we have the opportunity to read in different formats nowadays and it is essential to bear in mind that the main purpose is to read no matter the format, I personally believe that reading is an activity that can be carried out to learn, relax, have fun...

Picture 1: I could say that they are enjoying the reading experiencie and at the same time they feel comfortable because they are in a library in which there is no noise and they can concentrate on the reading.

Picture 2: It seems that the woman is showing something to the little girl, for me I think that is a wonderful picture, they are reading something interesting in that book!!

Picture 3: In that picture we have the opportunity to appreciate the role of new technologies and the reading, is the new way to read that we have nowadays.

Picture 4: We can see a man reading, in my humble opinion is the picture in which we can see that we can make our own world in our minds when we are reading. He is alone and reading a book in the middle of a street, but while he is reading he creates a world based on what he is reading.

I really like the second picture, when I was a little kid I enjoyed reading storybooks witht my grandparentes and as they are not here in this world now I really miss that experience. Considering the information available in our platform we have to talk about L1 and L2 reading.

In L1, I usually read every kind of text but I specially like autobiographies, blogs... and in L2 I like reading books related to adventures, autobiographies, although I also like listening to podcasts and Educational books. As English is not our mother tongue we have to devote more time to understand the sociocultural aspcets involved in reading, so for that reason it is essential to consider that iis better to understand the context instead of understading every single word.

We work different processes when reading like top down and bottom up that are so important l , I like reading before going to bed because it helps me to relax and create and atmosphere of peace. Last but not least, I would like to state that if you read you will open a world full of experiences and learning posibilities.

martes, 24 de noviembre de 2020


 Welcome to Learning English with Sahman and I present this virtual space to share with you all the activities I have designed for the area of foreign languages a website devoted to the teaching and learning of English.The purpose of this space is that students learn in a fun way to develop from the practice expressive and creative ability.

I try here to present some utilities and resources for teachers and pupils, hoping that it will be useful for practising, and as a suggestion of ideas to carry out in class, outside the classroom or simply as a place where everybody can help each other and suggest things leading us to the same aim: acquiring a second language in a funny and motivating way.